
An alternate stylesheet for Chosen that integrates with Bootstrap and FontAwesome


An alternate stylesheet for Chosen. This one is supposed to integrate better with Bootstrap.

Chosen widgets are given the outerWidth of the form element that they are replacing. This can be ambiguous; to fix this, wrap them with <div class="chosen">...</div>, or chosen-mini, chosen-small, etc.

If you want to compile it as a standalone, you'll need to add @import "variables.less"; and @import "mixins.less";.

If you want to mess around with the example page:

$ git clone git@github.com:twitter/bootstrap

Edit bootstrap.less to @import "../../bootstrap-chosen.less";. Then,

$ wget https://raw.github.com/harvesthq/chosen/master/chosen/chosen-sprite.png
$ lessc bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less > bootstrap.css

License: WTFPL