Macropathology image processing at Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Data I/O
- Read MSI, spectra
- Preprocessing
- Feature extraction
- Graphs and plots
- Image creation
- Visual tool
above 2019a
- adaptation_model/
- catstruct/
- delimread/
- DiscreteFrechetDist/
- export_fig/
- FastICA_25/
- HSVBWColormap/
- imoverlay/
- LBP/
- LDA/
- region_growing/
- regionGrowing/
- shadedErrorBar/
- spectral_color/
- Tutorial_HSI2RGB/
- xlswrite/
- Classification
- Dimension Reduction
- Validation
- Testing
- numpy
- sklearn
- matplot-lib
- scikit-learn
- scipy