
Development Node for Cartesi Rolups

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


CI Go Report Card

NoNodo is a development node for Cartesi Rollups that was designed to work with applications running in the host machine instead of the Cartesi machine. So, the application developer doesn't need to be concerned with compiling their application to RISC-V. The application back-end should run in the developer's machine and call the Rollup HTTP API to process advance and inspect inputs. NoNodo is a valuable development workflow help, but there are some caveats the developer must be aware of.



NoNodo uses the Anvil as the underlying Ethereum node. To install Anvil, read the instructions on the Foundry book.


Download the binaries from the relase page.

Installing from source

Installing NoNodo using the go install command is possible. To use this command, install Go following the instructions on the Go website. Then, run the command below to install NoNodo.

go install github.com/gligneul/nonodo@latest

The command above installs NoNodo into the bin directory inside the directory defined by the GOPATH environment variable. If you don't set the GOPATH variable, the default install location is $HOME/go/bin. So, to call the nonodo command directly, you should add it to the PATH variable. The command below exemplifies that.

export PATH="$HOME/go/bin:$PATH"


To start NoNodo with the default configuration, run the command below.


With the default configuration, NoNodo starts an Anvil node with the Cartesi Rollups contracts deployed. NoNodo uses the same deployment used by sunodo, so the contract addresses are the same. NoNodo offers some flags to configure Anvil, starting with --anvil-*.

NoNodo exposes the Cartesi Rollups GraphQL (/graphql) and Inspect (/inspect) APIs for the application front-end, and the Rollup ( API for the application back-end. NoNodo uses the HTTP address and port set by the --http-address and --http-port flags. By default, NoNodo binds to the address.

Address Book

To display the contract addresses, run:

nonodo address-book


NoNodo Architecture

The image above illustrates the interaction between NoNodo, Anvil, and the application front-end and back-end.

Running the Application

NoNodo can run the application back-end as a sub-process. If this process exits, NoNodo will also stop its execution. This option is helpful to keep the whole development context in a single terminal. To use this option, pass the command to run the application after --.

nonodo -- ./my-app

Built-in Echo Application

NoNodo has a built-in echo application that generates a voucher, a notice, and a report for each advance input. The echo also generates a report for each inspect input. This option is useful when testing the application front-end without a working back-end. To start NoNodo with the built-in echo application, use the --enable-echo flag.

nonodo --enable-echo

Enable V1 for HTTP

NoNodo for default is enable for new v2 API from openapi-interfaces. If you need the old api, you can try this flag:

nonodo --enable-legacy

Sending inputs

To send an input to the Cartesi application, you may use cast, a command-line tool from the foundry package. For instance, the invocation below sends an input with contents 0xdeadbeef to the running application.

INPUT=0xdeadbeef; \
INPUT_BOX_ADDRESS=0x59b22D57D4f067708AB0c00552767405926dc768; \
APPLICATION_ADDRESS=0x70ac08179605AF2D9e75782b8DEcDD3c22aA4D0C; \
cast send \
    --mnemonic "test test test test test test test test test test test junk" \
    --rpc-url "http://localhost:8545" \
    $INPUT_BOX_ADDRESS "addInput(address,bytes)(bytes32)" $APPLICATION_ADDRESS $INPUT


NoNodo exposes the GraphQL reader API in the endpoint You may access this address to use the GraphQL interactive playground in your web browser. You can also make POST requests directly to the GraphQL API. For instance, the command below gets the number of inputs.

QUERY='query { inputs { totalCount } }'; \
curl \
    -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d "{\"query\": \"$QUERY\"}" \

Inspect API

NoNodo exposes the Inspect API in the endpoint Like the Rollups Node, you may send inspect requests with GET or POST methods. For instance, the command below sends an inspect input with payload hi to NoNodo.

curl -X POST -d "hi"

Connecting to Test Net

NoNodo can connect to an external Ethereum node instead of setting up a local Anvil node. To do so, pass the RPC URL to the --rpc-url command-line parameter. When connecting to an external node, you must pass the input-box deployment block number to the parameter --contracts-input-box-block. As an example, the command below reads all the inputs sent to the echo application on the Sepolia test net.

nonodo \
    --enable-echo \
    --contracts-application-address 0x9f12D4365806FC000D6555ACB85c5371b464E506 \
    --contracts-input-box-address 0x59b22D57D4f067708AB0c00552767405926dc768 \
    --contracts-input-box-block 3963384 \
    --rpc-url wss://eth-sepolia.g.alchemy.com/v2/$ALCHEMY_API_KEY

Connecting to PostGresDB and Graphile locally

Start a PostGres instance locally, "cd" to db folder and use docker-compose.yml example. Set PostGres connection details using environment variables


When running nonodo, set flag db-implementation with the value postgres

Graphile can be called using http://localhost:5000/graphql and you can test queries using http://localhost:5000/graphiql


NoNodo is compatible with the following version of the Cartesi Rollups.

Component Version
Cartesi Rollups Contracts v1.1.0
Cartesi Rollups Node v1.2.0


  • The application will eventually need to be compiled to RISC-V or use a RISC-V runtime in case of interpreted languages;
  • With NoNodo, the application will not be running inside the sandbox of the Cartesi machine and will not block operations that won't be allowed when running inside a Cartesi machine, like accessing remote resources;
  • Inspects, rejects, and exceptions revert the whole machine when running the application in the Cartesi machine; NoNodo cannot simulate this behavior in the host;
  • NoNodo only works for applications that use the Cartesi Rollups HTTP API and doesn't work with applications using the low-level API;
  • Performance inside a Cartesi machine will be much lower than running on the host;
  • Inputs take much longer to arrive when running in testnet and mainnet than the local NoNodo devnet.