Project Capsule Frontend Repository

This is the repository for the frontend part of Project Capsule, a joint effort of Wenhao "Leo" Liang and Wa Lam "Michael" Si.

Get Started

  1. WebStorm is the recommended development environment for this project. I recommend that you get WebStorm first. It is free for students.

  2. Next, make sure you have Node.js and Yarn installed. Run yarn --version in your terminal to check. If Yarn is not installed, go to Installation on Yarn's official website and follow instructions there.

  3. Clone or download this project, and open it in WebStorm.

  4. Now you need to install dependencies. There may be a small window in the bottom right corner of WebStorm that asks you to do this. If so, click "Run yarn install", and you should be good. If not, click "Terminal" at the bottom and run yarn install. After it is done, there should be a folder called "node_modules" in the project.

  5. To run this project locally for development purposes, click on the "Debug" button in the top right corner of Webstorm. If it is greyed out, then you have to add a configuration first.

    1. Click "Add Configuration..." in the top right corner.
    2. Click the "Add" button in the top left corner of the window that pops up.
    3. Choose "npm".
    4. Make sure "Command" is set to "run". Then, put "dev" in "Scripts". Leave "Arguments" empty.
    5. Press "OK". The "Debug" button should now light up.
  6. When the project is running locally, go to "localhost:3000" in your browser to open it.


This project is automatically deployed under production environment at "", using the latest commit on master. (Allow a few minutes for updating after a new commit on master.)