UDPipe2 docker images

This project was used to dockerize UDPipe2.


  • docker
  • enough free space and reasonable network speed (the size of the default docker images is several GBs!)

How to start UDPipe2 docker image

1. Clone this project

git clone https://github.com/mazoea/udpipe2-docker.git

2. Select the required language model (default: en_ewt)

The default language model can be changed via an environmental variable:

export U2LANG=en_ewt

On Windows use

set U2LANG=en_ewt

3. Start the docker containers

docker-compose up

with output similar to

Starting 058f82439976_udpipe2-docker_wembedding_1 ... done
Starting udpipe2-docker_udpipe2_1                 ... done
Attaching to 058f82439976_udpipe2-docker_wembedding_1, udpipe2-docker_udpipe2_1
058f82439976_udpipe2-docker_wembedding_1 | 2022-01-27 07:19:42.252659: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:48] Successfully opened dynamic library libcudart.so.10.1
058f82439976_udpipe2-docker_wembedding_1 | Starting WEmbeddings server on port 8000.
058f82439976_udpipe2-docker_wembedding_1 | To stop it gracefully, either send SIGINT (Ctrl+C) or SIGUSR1.
udpipe2_1     | WARNING:tensorflow:From /udpipe/udpipe2.py:31: The name tf.logging.set_verbosity is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.logging.set_verbosity instead.
udpipe2_1     |
udpipe2_1     | WARNING:tensorflow:From /udpipe/udpipe2.py:31: The name tf.logging.ERROR is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.logging.ERROR instead.
udpipe2_1     |
udpipe2_1     | Started UDPipe 2 server on port 8001.
udpipe2_1     | To stop it gracefully, either send SIGINT (Ctrl+C) or SIGUSR1.

4. Test the service by visiting http://localhost:8001/models that should give you a similar response to this

 "models": {
  "english-ewt-ud-2.6-200830": [
 "default_model": "en_ewt"

How to use the service

There are three ways how to process your text:

  1. For testing: open ./html_page/run.html in your web-browser, follow the description.

  2. Setting the text directly via curl:

curl http://localhost:8001/process?data="Hello%20world.&tokenizer&tagger&parser"
  1. Using a text file via curl (create your input.txt file):
curl -F data=@input.txt -F tokenizer= -F tagger= -F parser= http://localhost:8001/process

NOTE: The first processing takes longer in order for the model to load all required data.

How to run on two GPUs

docker-compose -f docker-compose.gpu.yml up

Note: Windows OS does not support docker GPU out of the box.

List of supported languages in 2.10

af_afribooms, ar_padt, be_hse, bg_btb, ca_ancora, cop_scriptorium, cs_cac, cs_cltt, cs_fictree, cs_pdt, cu_proiel, cy_ccg, da_ddt, de_gsd, de_hdt, el_gdt, en_atis, en_ewt, en_gum, en_lines, en_partut, es_ancora, es_gsd, et_edt, et_ewt, eu_bdt, fa_perdt, fa_seraji, fi_ftb, fi_tdt, fo_farpahc, fr_gsd, fr_parisstories, fr_partut, fr_rhapsodie, fr_sequoia, fro_srcmf, ga_idt, gd_arcosg, gl_ctg, gl_treegal, got_proiel, grc_perseus, grc_proiel, hbo_ptnk, he_htb, he_iahltwiki, hi_hdtb, hr_set, hu_szeged, hy_armtdp, hy_bsut, hyw_armtdp, id_csui, id_gsd, is_icepahc, is_modern, it_isdt, it_markit, it_partut, it_postwita, it_twittiro, it_vit, ja_gsd, ja_gsdluw, ko_gsd, ko_kaist, la_ittb, la_llct, la_perseus, la_proiel, la_udante, lt_alksnis, lt_hse, lv_lvtb, lzh_kyoto, mr_ufal, mt_mudt, nl_alpino, nl_lassysmall, no_bokmaal, no_nynorsk, no_nynorsklia, orv_birchbark, orv_rnc, orv_torot, pcm_nsc, pl_lfg, pl_pdb, pt_bosque, pt_gsd, qpm_philotis, qtd_sagt, ro_nonstandard, ro_rrt, ro_simonero, ru_gsd, ru_syntagrus, ru_taiga, sa_vedic, sk_snk, sl_ssj, sl_sst, sme_giella, sr_set, sv_lines, sv_talbanken, ta_ttb, te_mtg, tr_atis, tr_boun, tr_framenet, tr_imst, tr_kenet, tr_penn, tr_tourism, ug_udt, uk_iu, ur_udtb, vi_vtb, wo_wtb, zh_gsd, zh_gsdsimp

Using the older 2.6 release

either checkout an older version of this repository (git checkout 0ffca5cb) or set env variables EMB= and MODELS_VERSION=2 either with export, in .env file or on command line EMB= MODELS_VERSION=2 docker-compose ...

List of supported languages in 2.6

af_afribooms, ar_padt, be_hse, bg_btb, ca_ancora, cop_scriptorium, cs_cac, cs_cltt, cs_fictree, cs_pdt, cu_proiel, cy_ccg, da_ddt, de_gsd, de_hdt, el_gdt, en_ewt, en_gum, en_lines, en_partut, es_ancora, es_gsd, et_edt, et_ewt, eu_bdt, fa_seraji, fi_ftb, fi_tdt, fr_gsd, fr_partut, fr_sequoia, fr_spoken, fro_srcmf, ga_idt, gd_arcosg, gl_ctg, gl_treegal, got_proiel, grc_perseus, grc_proiel, he_htb, hi_hdtb, hr_set, hu_szeged, hy_armtdp, id_gsd, it_isdt, it_partut, it_postwita, it_twittiro, it_vit, ja_gsd, ko_gsd, ko_kaist, la_evalatin20, la_ittb, la_llct, la_perseus, la_proiel, lt_alksnis, lt_hse, lv_lvtb, lzh_kyoto, mr_ufal, mt_mudt, nl_alpino, nl_lassysmall, no_bokmaal, no_nynorsk, no_nynorsklia, orv_rnc, orv_torot, pcm_nsc, pl_lfg, pl_pdb, pt_bosque, pt_gsd, ro_nonstandard, ro_rrt, ru_gsd, ru_syntagrus, ru_taiga, sa_vedic, sk_snk, sl_ssj, sl_sst, sme_giella, sr_set, sv_lines, sv_talbanken, ta_ttb, te_mtg, tr_imst, ug_udt, uk_iu, ur_udtb, vi_vtb, wo_wtb, zh_gsd, zh_gsdsimp