
My dotfiles and some configuration files

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

This repository contains my dotfiles and some other configuration files.


This is my .Xdefaults configuration. It contains my urxvt appearance and behaviour and my xscreensaver lock dialog theme. The urxvt color theme is based on the zenburn theme.

To use it, the file needs to be copied in the user's home directory as .Xdefaults (do not forget the dot).


This is my older .zshrc configuration for the zsh Unix shell.

I am no longer using this configuration. I prefer the oh-my-zsh configuration. I forked the robbyrussel's official one and made my own modifications. To use my current configuration please follow this link.

If you want to use my old configuration, you will need to copy the zshrc file and zsh directory with its content in the user's home directory, as respectively .zshrc and .zsh (do not forget the dots).


It is my current emacs configuration.

To use it, juste copy the emacs.d directory in the user's home directory as .emacs.d (do not forget the dot).