
Some loop experiments with well-known frameworks.

Primary LanguageHTML

Project Loom experimentations

This project tries to benchmark loom usage on several well-known frameworks:

  • Quarkus,
  • Spring Boot.


  • Docker,
  • A Java 21 distribution,
  • K6 for load injection.

Start the infrastructure

Each project requires:

  • a database, available in the compose.yml file,
  • a third party webservice to call: third-party-werbservices,
  • some services for application and infrastructure monitoring:
    • VictoriaMetrics: a timeseries database,
    • ProcessExporter: to monitor processes resources usage,
    • Grafana.


  • Build the thirdparty-rest-webservices java project
    • ./mvnw package
  • Start the compose stack:
    • docker compose up -d

Run the application

Simply package and run the application (preferably not in development mode).


# - with maven
./mvnw package
# - with the Quarkus CLI
quarkus build

# RUN the application
java -jar target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar #-Dquarkus.profile=200p


Available profiles are:

  • prod: default one,
  • 200p: REST client connection pool is set to 200, Database connection pool is initialized and set to 200,
  • 500p: REST client connection pool is set to 500, Database connection pool is initialized and set to 500.

Spring Boot





/cpu/platform, /cpu/virtual

Increases a counter for a given duration.

Query parameters:

  • duration (OPTIONAL): defaults to 300 ms.

/sleep/platform, /sleep/virtual, /sleep/reactive

Performs a simple Thread.sleep of a given duration.

Query parameters:

  • duration (OPTIONAL): defaults to 300 ms.

/uuid/platform, /uuid/virtual, /uuid/reactive

Performs rsCount web service calls to the thirdparty-rest-webservices with a duration of rsSleep ms, and dbCount database calls with a duration of dbSleep seconds.

Query parameters:

  • rsCount (OPTIONAL): defaults to 1,
  • rsSleep (OPTIONAL): defaults to 300ms,
  • dbCount (OPTIONAL): defaults to 2,
  • dbSleep (OPTIONAL): defaults to 0.025s (25ms).

Load injection

You can use k6 for load injection: scripts are available in the k6 directory.

The following example launches a k6 test, with 1000 VU during 2 minutes. Live metrics are sent to VictoriaMetrics.

K6_PROMETHEUS_RW_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:8428/api/v1/write \
K6_PROMETHEUS_RW_TREND_STATS='p(95),p(99),min,max,avg,med' \
k6 run -o experimental-prometheus-rw -u 1000 -d 2m k6/uuid-virtual.js