This is yet another dumb game engine.
For nothing. It is just my personal project.
Just for fun.
You can participate in its development by leaving an issue or pull request.
Probably for education and fun. These are my reasons to develop dumbgine. Also, you may possible like some of my ideas.
My aim is to build a single dumbgine executable (it may be dynamically linked, though) which would run "dumbgine games". "dumbgine game" is a folder or e. g. zip archive which contains all assets and scripts. Running "dumbgine games" should be easy as:
# Get the dumbgine executable
cd ~/code
git clone
cd dumbgine
sudo make install
# Get some "dumbgine game"
wget -O ~/games/ https://whatever.wherever/something/
# Run it
dumbgine ~/games/
Currently there is a compilation guide which should be
updated to indicate build instructions for master
Read a full set of ideas here...
Also read game directory/archive structure here...
Well, looks ike you have to skip this repository.
Cool! It would be awesome from you to support the development. At the moment of writing, this repository doesn't even exist, but it should start from easy stuff like OpenGL triangles and slowly become more and more advanced.