It's a repository for storing my oh-my-zsh configuration
1. Command not found
When a command wasn't found, ZSH will try to use command-not-found of Ubuntu or openSUSE, as you can see below:
$ mutt
The program 'mutt' can be found in the following packages:
* mutt
* mutt-kz
* mutt-patched
Try: sudo apt install <selected package>
2. Double tap and types sudo
Whether you enter ESC twice, it will write "sudo"
3. A safe environment using dotenv
4. Native support for gitignore
See the command gi
for more information.
5. Native support for yarn, rustc, cargo and npm
6. Native support for emojis
7. It uses zsh-completions
The zsh-completions allows us to access several functions that haven't added yet on ZSH.
8. ZSH + Fish
If you like the completion system of fish, but you like the power of ZSH, so you will feel very comfortable with that ZSH, because it has a completion system too.
9. The bestest support for Debian
If you are using Debian, that ZSH will be very important for you, because it has several functions about the sysadmin on Debian
10. Interesting aliases
- myip = see your ip
- untar = extracts tar
- ungz = extracts tar.gz
- untarbz2 = extracts tar.bz2
- ports = see running ports
11. Functions to make your experience with git, very fast and with no stdess
- acp = creates the base of git repository, it takes one parameter, that's the name of your repository
- cap = pushes your project to github, it takes one parameter, that's the commit message