An HTML5 2D game engine using dart and canvas. Movements and interactions are like Zelda.
Game live demo here Editor live demo here
- Character movement in 4 directions. (W,A,S,D)
- Camera following main character.
- Character collission detection.
- Pushable elements.
- Buildings, characters, items and decorations are loaded dinamically using json files.
- Map tilesets, each tile can have a different graphic and collision rule.
- Character to character interaction. (Enter)
- Actions handling. (On-screen text, framed-animations)
- Particle effects like fire, poison, smoke.
- Text boxes for long texts. (Enter to skip)
- Basic particles and animations.
- Character pathfinding.
- Very basic action battle system.
- Tile selector utility, click on any tile of the tileset to retrieve the x,y coordinates.
- Map editor.
This requires the dart tools installed in the machine and (webdev enabled)[].
webdev serve web
And open the URL, using the absolute path to the file you want to test, such as http://localhost:8080/gameengine.html
To compile to javascript and run in any browser:
webdev build --output web:build
And open the URL, using the absolute path to the file you want to test, such as http://localhost:9099/gameengine.html
Camera movement with main characterBuggy!- Different maps handling
- Character special actions (Jump, teleport, flip?)
- Lots of things...Dropable items, Battles, Menus.
- Finish the map editor.
- Try to enable multithread processing to improve performance.
Do you think you can do something better or improve the existing?
Go ahead! Any help is greatly appreciated.