
Cheroot is the high-performance, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

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Cheroot is the high-performance, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy.


The test suite is currently relies on pytest. It's being run via Travis CI.

Contribute Cheroot

Want to add smth to upstream? Feel free to submit a PR or file an issue if unsure. Please follow CherryPy's common conribution guidelines. Note that PR is more likely to be accepted if it includes tests and detailed description helping maintainers to understand it better 🎉

Oh, an be pythonic, please 🐍

Don't know how? Check out How to Contribute to Open Source article by GitHub 🚀