
TINJ (This is not jq), a formatter for JSON logs

Primary LanguageGo


Tinj adds a tinge of colour to newline delimited json streams on stdout.


Perfect for JSON structured logs.


go get github.com/foxyblue/tinj

Ensure it has been installed correctly by running tinj you should see the following output:

$ tinj
The command is intended to work with pipes.
Usage: cat file.json | tinj


  tinj [flags]
  tinj [command]

Available Commands:
  count       My counter
  help        Help about any command

  -f, --format string      Supply a format string
  -h, --help               help for tinj
  -p, --separator string   Separate fields by supplied character
  -s, --style string       Supply a style of log such as [stern and compose]

Use "tinj [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Using docker-compose or stern? Provide --style flag

# For stern logs
tinj --style stern

# For docker-compose logs
tinj --style compose


Formatting JSON

From this 🧐

$ cat log_file.json
{"_id":"5d8557da792fb159ca70d568","index":0,"guid":"d83deabe-10cc-468d-9f92-e49b9c18c5fc","isActive":false,"balance":"$2,769.51","picture":"http://placehold.it/32x32","age":29,"eyeColor":"brown","name":"Hester Barron","gender":"male"}
{"_id":"5d8558182242931dbd4089c9","index":0,"guid":"6783e3bf-2901-4b34-966e-b5573b227e9b","isActive":true,"balance":"$3,254.41","picture":"http://placehold.it/32x32","age":40,"eyeColor":"brown","name":"Harvey Daniels","gender":"male"}
{"_id":"5d85582325447920d159e349","index":0,"guid":"a068825a-578a-40a7-ae35-861018a3c69b","isActive":true,"balance":"$1,439.11","picture":"http://placehold.it/32x32","age":22,"eyeColor":"brown","name":"Fischer Spencer","gender":"male"}
{"_id":"5d85582325447920d159e349","index":0,"guid":"a068825a-578a-40a7-ae35-861018a3c69b","isActive":true,"balance":"$1,439.11","picture":"http://placehold.it/32x32","age":22,"eyeColor":"brown","name":"Fischer Spencer","gender":"male"}

To this 🤩

$ cat log_file.json | tinj
5d8557da792fb159ca70d568 | Hester Barron | $2,769.51
5d8558182242931dbd4089c9 | Harvey Daniels | $3,254.41
5d85582325447920d159e349 | Fischer Spencer | $1,439.11

Printing readable tracebacks

Formats JSON values with Newline Delimiters too.

{"error":"\nErrorStatus: line 12\n    value not defined 'x'.\nSee docs for fix: sebastien-docs.info"}


ErrorStatus: line 12
    value not defined 'x'.
See docs for fix: sebastien-docs.info


go test ./...