
In this repository, I have automated the GitHub Search Functionality using Selenium, Java, JUnit, and Cucumber BDD Tools. This automation has the Page Object Model architecture with finished and smooth coding.

Primary LanguageJava


In this repository, I have automated the GitHub Search Functionality using Selenium, Java, JUnit, and Cucumber BDD Tools. This automation has the Page Object Model architecture with finished and smooth coding.

Assigned Work Scenario

Create a project with browser-based tests for the following acceptance criteria for github.com. You must use "Cucumber Framework".

  • As a guest, visit "https://github.com" and then scroll down to the end of the page, when clicking the "About" button in the landing page footer, you will be taken to the GitHub "About" page. Verify, you are on the About page.
  • As a guest (not logged in), when searching GitHub for the term "create-react-app" from the about page search input, you will see a count of matching results.
  • You will find and verify "facebook/create-react-app" project as the first result.

Technology used

  • Selenium Tools
  • Cucumber BDD Tools
  • Java Programming Language
  • JUnit Framework
  • Gradle Build System
  • IntelliJ IDE

How to run this project

  • Clone this project
  • Hit the following command: gradle clean test

The following terms passed from the Example,

  • create-react-app
  • facebook/create-react-app

What I have done

  • Visited GitHub site with this URL: https://github.com/
  • Scrolled down to the end of the page and clicked on About from the landing page footer section and asserted that I'm at the About page with the About page URL.
  • Searched with "create-react-app" into the search box from the example.
  • Verified and Asserted "facebook/create-react-app" from example.


github search functionality report

Project Demonstration
