
Android Application built in kotlin by following Google's recommended architecture: MVVM+Repository+ViewModel+Livedata+databinding. It includes database cache feature with room and uses Koin library for dependency injection

Primary LanguageKotlin


Project Overview

This app allows users to search movies and view their overview, cast, reviews and trailers. The movies can also be filtered to show users top rated, upcoming and popular movies.

This app uses the API from themoviedb.org


movies_list movie_categories movie_search movie_info movie_trailer movie_review movie_casts

API Key Note

Define key in build.gradle

In your Android studio root directory, locate the gradle.properties under .gradle folder and add the following: Add PopularMoviesApp_ApiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY".




  • Offline support: the App caches any visited list (categories and search) into the room database.
  • Discover the most popular, most rated & upcoming movies
  • Search for movies by title
  • User can view and play trailers on youtube
  • Shows a list of reviews for each movie
  • Shows general info for each movie
  • MVVM with Android Architecture Components(Room, LiveData, ViewModel)
  • Databinding,BindingAdapters
  • Pagination and endless scrolling using custom pagination.
  • Handle network status and network failures
  • ConstraintLayout(guidelines, barriers... etc)
  • ViewPager2
  • Material design.


External Resources

Popular Movies uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.