<title>Applicant Management System README</title>

Applicant Management System

This is a web application for managing job applicants. It allows users to register and submit their job applications, and provides an interface for admins to view and manage the applications.

API Endpoints

The API endpoints for this application are:

GET /applicants

Returns a list of all applicants.

Request parameters:

  • None


  • 200 OK with a JSON array of applicants on success.
  • 404 Not Found on error.

POST /register

Registers a new user and creates a new applicant record.

Request body:

  • firstname: String, required
  • lastname: String, required
  • password: String, required
  • resume: String, optional
  • country: String, required
  • gender: String, required
  • email: String, required


  • 200 OK with the new user's record on success.
  • 500 Internal Server Error on error.

Registration page

Applicants Page