Datarisk Case

An API for creating and accessing cpf scoring


  • GET localhost:8085/migrate -> run all the migrations on the Postgres connection
  • POST localhost:8085/api {"cpf": "000-000-000/00"} -> Insert a user on the database, with the generated score for the CPF
  • GET localhost:8085/api/ -> Returns a Json containing the info on the DB of that CPF, example:
    "id": 1,
    "cpf": "00000000191",
    "score": 860,
    "createdAt": "07/16/2021 17:54:55"
  • GET localhost:8085/api -> Returns a list with all the records on the database

Running the application

After cloning the repository and cd into it, the first thing we need to do is to run a docker-compose up to get the Postgres database running, you can do that using the following commands:

cd /src
docker-compose up -d

After it, it will be necessary to restore the packages of the application then run the app

cd /Score
dotnet restore
dotnet run

Right now you can run your requests on Postman or similar softwares.