
Sample docker-compose for Monica with an nginx reverse proxy and a LetsEncrypt certificate

Primary LanguageDockerfileGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Docker examples for Monica

In this section you will find how to run monica with https and generate a Let's Encrypt certificate.

Run with docker-compose


First, copy the sample env file and update with the appropriate variable for your use case.

cp .env.example .env

Open the file in an editor and update it for your own needs:

  • Set APP_KEY to a random 32-character string. You can for instance copy and paste the output of echo -n 'base64:'; openssl rand -base64 32.
  • Edit the MAIL_* settings to point to your own mailserver.
  • Set DB_* settings to point to your database configuration. If you don't want to set a db prefix, be careful to set DB_PREFIX= and not DB_PREFIX='' as docker will not expand this as an empty string.
  • Set DB_HOST=db or any name of the database container you will link to.

With nginx proxy and a self-signed certificate

  • Set VIRTUAL_HOST and SSL_SUBJECT with the right domain name.
  • Use a valid email for LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL
  • Complete APP_URL in your .env file with the right domain url

You may want to set APP_ENV=production to force the use of https scheme.

This example add a redis container, that can be used too, adding these variables to your .env file:

  • REDIS_HOST=redis: mandatory
  • CACHE_DRIVER=redis: to use redis as a cache table
  • QUEUE_CONNECTION=redis: to use redis as a queue table