qAddDependentFile no longer triggers recompile
snoyberg opened this issue · 2 comments
snoyberg commented
Minimal reproducing test case:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import IdeSession
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
foo_hs, foo_txt1, foo_txt2 :: IsString a => a
foo_hs =
"{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}\n\
\import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax\n\
\main = print $(do\n\
\ let fp = \"foo.txt\"\n\
\ qAddDependentFile fp\n\
\ str <- qRunIO $ readFile fp\n\
\ lift str)"
foo_txt1 = "version1"
foo_txt2 = "version2"
wdir = do
writeFile "foo.hs" foo_hs
writeFile "foo.txt" foo_txt1
return (conf, update, mupdate2)
conf = defaultSessionConfig { configLocalWorkingDir = Just "." }
update = mempty
mupdate2 = do
writeFile "foo.txt" foo_txt2
return mempty
nowdir =
return (defaultSessionConfig, update, mupdate2)
update = updateSourceFile "foo.hs" foo_hs
<> updateDataFile "foo.txt" foo_txt1
mupdate2 = return $ updateDataFile "foo.txt" foo_txt2
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Working directory"
go wdir
putStrLn "===========\nNo working directory"
go nowdir
go mtriple = do
(conf, update, mupdate2) <- mtriple
sess <- initSession defaultSessionInitParams conf
updateSession sess
(updateTargets (TargetsInclude ["foo.hs"]) <>
updateCodeGeneration True <>
runIt sess
putStrLn "\n\nUpdating file"
update2 <- mupdate2
updateSession sess update2 print
runIt sess
runIt sess = do
getSourceErrors sess >>= print
ra <- runStmt sess "Main" "main"
let loop = do
res <- runWait ra
case res of
Left bs -> print bs >> loop
Right x -> print x
I at first thought this was a problem with the working directory case, but turns out the non-working-directory case also demonstrates the issue. This was working in the past, and I thought there were test cases for it.
Originally reported in urbanslug/wai-devel#6
rvion commented
Any news about this ?