
Greeter server and client using RHOSSM

Primary LanguageC#


Greeter server and client examples using RHOSSM in OCP. In this example, the greeter server is deployed outside the mesh and the greeter client inside the mesh, so the client will use the egress gateway to reach the greeter server.


  • OCP 4.6 or higher.
  • Openshift Service Mesh up and running (see RHOSSM Installation).
  • OC cli installed.
  • OCP configured for supporting HTTP/2 (port-name, ingress).

Generate certificates

In this use case, the greeter server and client will be deployed using mTLS mode. Update the file Generate certs with your OCP domain and run the script:


Build images and push them to the registry

You can find a Dockerfile inside the greeter-server and greeter-client folders to build the images used in this example. Build and push the images to your registry.

Anyway, you can use the default images that are set in the deployment object.

Case 1: Deploy the greeter server and greeter-client in a non-mesh namespace

Deploy the greeter server in OCP in a non-mesh namespace.

For this example, the certificates must be created as follows:


The container image must exist in the OCP registry. Here, you can do it as you prefer. Keep in mind that you must update the deployment yaml file with the image name.

Create grpc-example project

oc new-project grpc-example

Create the server certificates

oc create secret generic greeter-server-certs -n grpc-example --from-file=./certs/server.pem --from-file=./certs/server.key --from-file=./certs/ca.pem

Deploy the greeter server

oc apply -n grpc-example -f greeter-server/greeter-server-mtls.yaml

Deploy greeter client

Deploy the greeter client in OCP.

Repeat the steps from the previous point in order to create and upload the greeter client container image.

Greeter client in the same namespace as greeter server

You can run this step in order to test the greeter client and server, and the certificates created at the beginning.

Create the client certificates

oc create secret generic greeter-client-certs -n grpc-example --from-file=./certs/client.pem --from-file=./certs/client.key --from-file=./certs/ca.pem

Deploy the greeter client

oc apply -n grpc-example -f greeter-client/greeter-client-mtls.yaml

In the pod greeter-client-mtls-*, you can check that the greeter-client is authenticated an the server responses "hello":

Greeting: Hello you (authenticated as "greeter-client.grpc-example.svc.cluster.local" via mTLS)
Greeting: Hello you (authenticated as "greeter-client.grpc-example.svc.cluster.local" via mTLS)
Greeting: Hello you (authenticated as "greeter-client.grpc-example.svc.cluster.local" via mTLS)
Greeting: Hello you (authenticated as "greeter-client.grpc-example.svc.cluster.local" via mTLS)
Greeting: Hello you (authenticated as "greeter-client.grpc-example.svc.cluster.local" via mTLS)

Delete the greeter client

oc delete -n grpc-example -f greeter-client/greeter-client-mtls.yaml

Delete the client certificates

oc delete secret greeter-client-certs -n grpc-example

Greeter client using Openshift Service Mesh

Now, the greeter client will be deployed in the Service Mesh. To connect to the greeter server via mTLS, we will use an egress gateway.

Create grpc-example-mesh project

oc new-project grpc-example-mesh

Add the grpc-example-mesh namespace to the Service Mesh

oc apply -f ossm/grpc-example-mesh/smm.yaml

Deploy the greeter client

oc apply -n grpc-example-mesh -f greeter-client/greeter-client-mtls_ossm.yaml

The greeter client is not able to connect to the server if you check the pod's log. It's time to create the Istio objects.

Create the client certificates, but in this case the egress gateway will use them

oc create secret generic greeter-client-certs -n istio-system --from-file=./certs/client.pem --from-file=./certs/client.key --from-file=./certs/ca.pem

Configure the egress gateway to use the certificates. The SMCP should be configured like this:

        - volume:
              secretName: greeter-client-certs
            mountPath: /etc/istio/greeter-client-certs
            name: greeter-client-certs

You can check Kiali to see how the traffic flow is changing when creating the Istio objects. At this moment, the greeter-client is redirect to BlackHoleCluster.


Create the Virtual Service to route the traffic from the greeter-client app to the egress gateway K8S Service.

oc apply -f ossm/grpc-example-mesh/vs-greeter-server.yaml

Now, the greeter-client is redirect to the egress gateway K8S Service but it is not able to connect.


Apply the Destination Rule to use ISTIO_MUTUAL tls negotiation between the greeter client app and the egress gateways K8S Service.

oc apply -f ossm/grpc-example-mesh/dr-greeter-server.yaml

The greeter-client is redirect to the egress gateway K8S Service and connecting using ISTIO_MUTUAL.


Create the Virtual Service, Service Entry and Gateway in istio-system namespace.

oc apply -f ossm/istio-system/gw-greeter-server.yaml
oc apply -f ossm/istio-system/se-greeter-server.yaml
oc apply -f ossm/istio-system/vs-greeter-server.yaml

At this point, the traffic is being redirected from the greeter-client app to the egress gateway, and then to the greeter-server. But, as you can see in Kiali, the greeter-client is still unable to connect.


In Kiali we can see that the GRPC code is 14 and the message "Check DestinationRule or VirtualService)


Apply the Destination Rule to use the greeter-client certificates in the egress gateway.

oc apply -f ossm/istio-system/dr-greeter-server.yaml

Finally, the greeter-client is able to connect to the greeter-server using the egress gateway.


In the pod greeter-client-mtls-*, you can check that the greeter-client is authenticated an the server responses "hello" again:

Greeting: Hello you (authenticated as "greeter-client.grpc-example.svc.cluster.local" via mTLS)
Greeting: Hello you (authenticated as "greeter-client.grpc-example.svc.cluster.local" via mTLS)
Greeting: Hello you (authenticated as "greeter-client.grpc-example.svc.cluster.local" via mTLS)

Case 2: Deploy the greeter server in mesh-2 and the greeter client in mesh-1

For this case, a new greeter-client (mesh-1) and greeter-server (mesh-2) will be deployed.

To deploy another Service Mesh in the cluster, visit this repository.

Once the new OSSM is created in the OCP cluster, it is time to deploy the new greeter server which will be exposed over the Ingress Gateway.

Create the grpc-server namespace

oc new-project grpc-server

Create the new certificates for this greeter server.

Create the server certificates in istio-system-pre namespace

oc create secret generic greeter-server-certs -n istio-system-pre --from-file=tls.crt=./certs-pre/server.pem --from-file=tls.key=./certs-pre/server.key --from-file=ca.crt=./certs-pre/ca.pem

Deploy the greeter server

oc apply -n grpc-server -f greeter-server/greeter-server-mtls_ossm.yaml

Create the OCP route

oc apply -n istio-system-pre -f ossm/istio-system-pre/route-greeter-server.yaml

Create the Gateway, Virtual Service and Destination Rule

oc apply -n istio-system-pre -f ossm/istio-system-pre/gw-default-ingress.yaml
oc apply -n grpc-server -f ossm/grpc-server-pre/

Connect a new greeter client deployed in mesh-1 to the greeter-server deployed in mesh-2

Deploy the new greeter client

oc apply -n grpc-example-mesh -f greeter-client/greeter-client-mtls_ossm-mesh2.yaml

Create the client certificates, the egress gateway will use them:

oc create secret generic greeter-client-certs-mesh2 -n istio-system --from-file=./certs-pre/client.pem --from-file=./certs-pre/client.key --from-file=./certs-pre/ca.pem

Configure the egress gateway to use the certificates. The SMCP should be configured like this:

        - volume:
              secretName: greeter-client-certs-mesh2
            mountPath: /etc/istio/greeter-client-certs-mesh2
            name: greeter-client-certs-mesh1

Create the Virtual Service to route the traffic from the new greeter-client app to the egress gateway K8S Service.

oc apply -f ossm/grpc-example-mesh/vs-greeter-server-mesh2.yaml

Apply the Destination Rule to use ISTIO_MUTUAL tls negotiation between the new greeter client app and the egress gateways K8S Service.

oc apply -f ossm/grpc-example-mesh/dr-greeter-server-mesh2.yaml

The new greeter-client is redirect to the egress gateway K8S Service and connecting using ISTIO_MUTUAL.

Create the Virtual Service, Service Entry and Gateway in istio-system namespace.

oc apply -f ossm/istio-system/gw-greeter-server.yaml
oc apply -f ossm/istio-system/se-greeter-server-mesh2.yaml
oc apply -f ossm/istio-system/vs-greeter-server-mesh2.yaml
oc apply -f ossm/istio-system/dr-greeter-server-mesh2.yaml