Kubernetes Workshop

Access to the cluster

We have to reach kula-001 (Bastion host) to access the cluster:

$ ssh -i <ssh_private_key_path> <username>@kula-001.workshop.exanio.net

From there on we can communicate with the Cluster by exporting the KUBECONFIG variable to our environment:

$ export KUBECONFIG=/opt/kubeconfig
$ kubectl get nodes

Kubernetes Basics

kubectl get <resource> is the same like kubectl get <resource_abbrevation>

kubectl get namespace is the same like kubectl get ns

kubectl get service is the same like kubectl get svc

kubectl describe <resources> ie. kubectl get namespaces

kubectl get pod -o wide

kubectl logs <pod_name>

kubectl -n <namespace_name> exec -it <pod_name> -- /bin/sh

kubectl -n <namespace_name> port-forward service/<servicename> <local_port>:<service_port>

kubectl -n <namespace_name> port-forward <pod_name> <local_port>:<pod_port>

We can also describe a specific resource kubectl describe namespaces <namespace_name>

Kubernetes Resources

<namespace_name> = <username>

If you want to change the <namespace_name> to your just execute this command in the manifests directory:

USERNAME=$(whoami) && \
find . -type f -name "*.yaml" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "s/<namespace_name>/$USERNAME/g" && \
find . -type f -name "ingress.yaml" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "s/<username>/$USERNAME/g"


Create Namespace

kubectl create namespace <namespace_name>

For example:

kubectl create namespace fpe

We can also create a Namespace with a kubernetes manifest:

kubectl create -f namespace.yaml

In Kubernetes you can choose between the yaml and json format.

Delete Namespace

WARNING: This deletes everything under the namespace!

# kubectl delete namespaces <namespace_name>


kubectl get pods --namespace <namespace_name> is the same as kubectl get pods -n <namespace_name>

kubectl create -f pod.yaml

kubectl delete -f pod.yaml or kubectl -n <namespace_name> delete pod <pod_name>


kubectl create -f configmap.yaml

kubectl delete -f configmap.yaml or kubectl -n <namespace_name> delete configmap <configmap_name>


kubectl create secret <type> <secret_name>

kubectl create secret generic <secret_name>

kubectl -n <namespace_name> get secret <secret_name>

kubectl -n <namespace_name> describe secret <secret_name>

kubectl -n <namespace_name> get secret <secret_name> -o jsonpath='{.data}'

kubectl create -f secret.yaml

kubectl delete -f secret.yaml


kubectl -n <namespace_name> describe pvc <pvc_name>

kubectl create -f pvc.yaml

kubectl delete -f pvc.yaml


kubectl create -f deployment.yaml

kubectl delete -f deployment.yaml


kubectl -n <namespace_name> describe service <service_name>

kubectl create -f service.yaml

kubectl delete -f service.yaml


kubectl create -f ingress.yaml


kubectl create -f cronjob.yaml


kubectl create -f statefulset.yaml

kubectl delete -f statefulset.yaml

kubectl -n <namespace_name> scale statefulsets <stateful-set-name> --replicas=<new-replicas>


kubectl create -f daemonset.yaml