Klon chrome://dino vytvoření pro IT Workshop na SŠPU
git clone https://github.com/fpeterek/itworkshop-dino.git
cd itworkshop-dino
virtualenv venv -p python3
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python dino/
Během workshopu
echo '' > dino/main.py
All sprites were made by me and you can feel free to use them in any way you want, be it personal or commercial use.
Code was also written by me, but it is by no means a pinnacle of software engineering. It was written in a way that allows me to write some code with students from elementary school and I tried spending as little time as possible on making it look pretty so the code is a week worth of spaghetti. For better looking code visit other repos (Kerbal comes to mind). Don't use this repo to showcase what a well designed program should look like and don't think this is the type of code I usually write.