
Turns maps into SQL queries (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server), optimizing out logically true statements.

Primary LanguageJava

Metabase SQL Transpiler

The problem

Your challenge is to write & test a basic transpiler which outputs a SQL string given a structured expression. You should make it possible for others to extend your code and add support for new filter clause types, new literal types, or new dialects without having to modify the original code.

You should provide a working and tested function called generate-sql with the following signature:

(generate-sql dialect fields query)
  • dialect is the keyword name of the SQL dialect to generate SQL for. For the purposes of this exercise, it will be either :sqlserver, :postgres, or :mysql.
  • fields is a map of integer IDs to a Field name. e.g.
    {1 "name", 2 "location}
  • query is a map containing information about the limits and filters to include in the query you generate.

Query DSL

For the purposes of this exercise you will be taking the query map and generating a SQL query like


and adding WHERE and LIMIT/TOP clauses as appropriate. For example, you might generate one of the following queries:

SELECT * FROM data WHERE name = 'cam';          -- Postgres/MySQL w/ WHERE
SELECT * FROM data WHERE name = 'cam' LIMIT 10; -- MySQL w/ WHERE & LIMIT
SELECT * FROM data LIMIT 20;                    -- Postgres w/ LIMIT
SELECT TOP 20 * FROM data;                      -- SQL Server w/ LIMIT

query is a map with the following schema. :limit and :where are both optional keys.

{:limit <unsigned-int>
 :where <where-clause>}
where clause

:where, when present, is a vector defining what should go in the WHERE clause of the SQL you generate. It has the form:

[<operator> <args>+]

operator ::= :and | :or | :not | :< | :> | := | :!= | :is-empty | :not-empty
:and and :or

:and and :or are used purely as conjunctions and should support 1 or more arguments representing subclauses that contain other operators. These clauses can also be nested with other compound clauses.

[:and <where-clause> <where-clause>]                      ; logical conjunction e.g. SQL `AND` operator
[:or <where-clause> <where-clause>]                       ; logical disjunction (SQL `OR`)
[:and [:or <where-clause> <where-clause>] <where-clause>] ; nested compound clauses

;; this is considered legal -- treat it as just `<where-clause>`
[:and <where-clause>]

:not is similar to :and or :or but for obvious reasons always wraps a single clause.

[:not <where-clause>]

There are different ways to negate WHERE clauses in SQL, so how you do it is up to you.

:< and :<

:< and :< both take exactly two args. Args are either references to Fields, discussed more below, or number literals.

;; arg ::= <field> | <number>
[:< <arg> <arg] ; x < y
:= and :!=

:= and :!= operate almost the same way, but the value is not necessarily a number, and they can accept more than 2 args. In the 2-arg form, they work the same way as :< and :>. With more that 2 args, they correspond to SQL IN and NOT IN operators, respectively.

;; arg ::= <field> | <number> | <string> | nil
[:= <x> <y>]      ; x = y
[:!= <x> <y>]     ; x <> y
[:= <x> <y> <z>]  ; x IN (y, z)
[:!= <x> <y> <z>] ; x NOT IN (y, z)

Note that values might be nil, and all the implications that has.

:is-empty and :not-empty

:is-empty and :not-empty take a single argument and translate into the appropriate natural SQL syntax for IS NULL and IS NOT NULL. The argument can be anything accepted by := or :!=.

;; arg ::= <field> | <number> | <string> | nil
[:is-empty <arg>] ; field IS NULL
field clause

Fields always have the form

[:field <unsigned-int>]

The integer in question corresponds to one of the keys in the :fields map; you should replace it with the appropriate identifier in the generated SQL.

Query Optimization

Optimize out comparisons that are always logically true, for example

(generate-sql :sqlserver {} {:where [:is-empty nil], :limit 10})
;; [optimize out WHERE NULL IS NULL]
;; -> "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM data;"


[:not [:not x]]` ; -> x
[:not [:is-empty x]] -> [:not-empty x]
[:not [:not-empty x]] -> [:is-empty x]

Optimize out the OR queries that have 1 or more always logically true comparison

(generate-sql :sqlserver {} {:where [:or [:is-empty nil] [not-empty [:field 3]], :limit 10})
;; [optimize out WHERE NULL IS NULL OR date_joined IS NOT NULL]
;; -> "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM data;"


(generate-sql :postgres {1 :id, 2 :name} {:where [:= [:field 2] "cam"]})
;; -> "SELECT * FROM data WHERE name = 'cam';"

(generate-sql :mysql {1 :id, 2 :name} {:where [:= [:field 2] "cam"], :limit 10})
;; -> "SELECT * FROM data WHERE name = 'cam' LIMIT 10;"

(generate-sql :postgres {1 :id, 2 :name} {:limit 20})
;; -> "SELECT * FROM data LIMIT 20;"

(generate-sql :sqlserver {1 :id, 2 :name} {:limit 20})
;; -> "SELECT TOP 20 * FROM data;"

Running the code

This project uses Maven. Maven is used for dependency management and automation in the project. Check you have Maven installed with:

mvn --version

To compile the code and run the corresponding unit tests, run the following command:

mvn package

Once compilation is done, run the code with the command:

java -cp target/metabase-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.metabase.app.Main