The Top OA C# library makes it easy to start coding with the Saxo Bank REST Open API.
Based on the Command Query Responsibility Separation (CQRS) principle, any operation is a matter of executing a command or issuing a query.
For example, in order to log on, then read a list of all positions, do this,
// Use the .Net Core DI container:
IServiceProvider serviceProvider = new DefaultCompositionRoot().Initialize();
// Log in:
var loginCommand = new LoginCommand(Token);
var loginCommandHandler = serviceProvider.GetService<ICommandHandler<LoginCommand>>();
// Get a list of positions:
var posistionsQuery = new PositionsQuery();
var positionsReader = serviceProvider.GetService<IQueryHandler<PositionsQuery, PositionsList>>();
PositionsList positions = positionsReader.Query(posistionsQuery);
Validation and DI container setup has been omitted in the above snippet. The full examples are included in the repository.
The latest build (from the latest push to master on GitHub) is available on,
Officially released builds are available on,
Note that at the time of writing this project is at version 0.1.x and there is no officially released build on yet.