
School project

Primary LanguagePython


Python script to manage Active Directory

The program lets you add user to a MySQL database table and/or an active directory. You can create new user, view all existing users from the database inside a datagrid, import user data from a .csv-file, export all the data from the MySQL database table into a .csv-file and have a look at the written unit tests - better: the results of their testsuite.


  • Running MySql-Server
  • Running acitve directory
  • Python >= 3.4.4
  • mysql.connector 2.0.4
  • pwin32
  • ldap3


Get everything running on school PCs

  1. install python 3.4.4 windows msi installer !!! from python.org
  2. get the master-branch from http://github.com/mysql/mysql-connector-python
  3. open mysql Workbench and insert the sql statements (make sure you have the username - column in the table!!!!!!!!! manually add it if not: username, VARCHAR(255))
  4. change the config for mysql connection in the project folder under "config" (mysqlConfig) to: 'hostname' = 'localhost' 'dbName' = 'pythonTest' 'dbUser' = 'root' 'dbPassword' = ''
  5. Get pywin32 exe from https://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/Build%20220/ (Get the version: pywin32-220.win-amd64-py3.4.exe)
  6. Install ldap3! pip3 install ldap3
  7. Check the installed modules: C:\Python34\Scripts\pip3.4.exe list - Module, die installiert sein müssen: mysql-connector-python<2.0.4>, pip, pywin32<220>, ldap3
  8. If not existent, create files config/adConfig.py, config/mysqlConfig.py and copy content from the example configs into these files.
  9. project should be running by now. Start it with cmd: C:\Python34\python.exe Path\to\Project\main.py


To setup the database connection to the mysql database you can use the config/mysqlConfig.py The mySqlConfig.py must contain following entries:

  • hostName = '<localhost | IP>'
  • dbName = ''
  • dbUser = ''
  • dbPassword = ''

You can copy the contents of config/mysqlConfig.example.py.


To setup the ssh connection to your active directory you need to adjust the "config/adConfig.py". The adConfig.py must contain following entries:

  • server = ''
  • username = ''
  • password = ''

You can copy the contents of config/adConfig.example.py


First line of your csv should contain headers! Values must be comma seperated!

row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]
'name' 'firstname' 'password' 'class'
Name of the user Firstname of the user desired Password of the user - optional. class the user is linked to

An example file is attached: import/testImport.csv


You will get all data saved in the mysql database as .csv-file

Nutzer-Id Name Vorname Nutzername Password Klasse
id of the entry name of the user firstname of the user username of the user password of the user class the user belongs to

An example file is attached: export/testExport.csv


Unit tests are located inside the tests-directory.

  • Create additional tests into the according test-directory-structure.
  • Also register your additional test into "testmodules" of the tests/testsuiteTest.

To run the testsuite you can execute (make sure you insert all test paths inside that script when creating new tests!):

python3 -m unittest tests/testsuiteTest.py

To run single unit tests you can execute:

python3 -m unittest tests/path/to/specific/test.py