Sometimes you can have a lot of Genymotion (or, actually, Oracle VM players)running on your machine.
You can now automatically arrange them without manually resize them all.
Supported OS so far:
- Mac 👍
- Linux 👎 help wanted!
- Windows 👎 help wanted!
This is my first (tiny) attempt to play with applescript, so every improvement/help is more than welcome!
How to use the Mac version:
- Clone or copy the script locally (or the .app folder in this repo)
- Run it.
Note: if you get this error message: ![Possible error message](images/mac_permission_error.png?raw=true =100x "Possible error message" ) You have to add the permission under the 'Security' ![Security permission](images/mac_security_privacy.png?raw=true =100x "Security permission" )
help wanted to write it!
help wanted to write it!