
Angular material date picker extension to support range selection.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is an extension library for the native Angular Material Datepicker. Then you can use all the options provided by the Matdatepicker material component.



Angular Version
angular >= 9.0.0
@angular/material >= 9.0.0


npm i mat-daterangepicker

import MatDaterangepickerModule in your module

import { MatDaterangepickerModule } from 'mat-daterangepicker';

    imports: [
    declarations: [AppComponent],
    bootstrap:    [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Angular Material Theme

import code bellow in your material style theme to have compatibility with your current material theme.

@import 'mat-daterangepicker/mat-daterangepicker.theme.scss';

@include mat-daterangepicker-theme($theme);


// in your component
export class DaterangepickerExampleComponent {
    startDate = new Date()
    endDate = new Date()
    <input matInput [matDatepicker]="dpRange" type="text" [value]="startDate" placeholder="Start Date">
    <mat-daterangepicker #dpRange></mat-daterangepicker>
    <input matInput [matDaterangepickerEnd]="dpRange" type="text" [value]="endDate" placeholder="End Date">
    <mat-datepicker-toggle matSuffix [for]="dpRange"></mat-datepicker-toggle>


Option Description
@Input() dualView: boolean An input to display two calendars when selecting dates
@Input() applyButton: boolean An input to display an apply button to close the calendar picker
@Input() showCustomRanges: boolean An input to display default custom ranges options in the calendar picker
@Ouput() apply: EventEmitter Fired when apply button is clicked


Method Description
applyRange Apply the range and close the calendar picker
clearRange Clear the selected dates