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Initializing this app

You'll need to define .env file with an API key from TMDB API, the name of the property is REACT_APP_API_KEY Don't forget to touch env and npm install

After npm start, the app should work as intended (on desktop browser, needs optimization for mobile browsers)

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.\

Shaka Player

Shaka player is implemented (VideoPlayer.js), the application is able to run even the m3u8 format, but it throws a warning and errors, but the playback starts. Due to that, I just left the option to play the video open by switching the method in VideoPlayer.js to fetch the manifest uri...

Just use getVideoPathHls() instead of getVideoPathMp4()

Used libraries


A library used to consume an API


This library makes sure that the carousel container is able to be scrolled with a mouse/touch drag.


This library ensures a modal window for a detail popup and movie player. The big advantage of this library is its transparency in properties that can be used, custom styling and it already handles a lifecycle of the modal window and the objects within.


Google made video player that was required to be implemented by the task assignement.


This helps the Chrome browser to decode the m3u8 stream