Adds suggestions and autocomplete for emojis and unicode symbols to VS Code.
- Quickly insert emojis and symbols simply by typing
- Also enabled in Source Control (Git) Input Box
- Search by character name, group name, description part
- Hover emojis to find their name and description
- 3500+ emojis, 2000+ symbols
Science: ± × ⋅ Δ² Σ ε π ₙ₊₁ ℂ ≈ ≤ √ ∞
Arrows: ← ↑ ⇒ ⇔ ⟷
Boxes: ╔══╕ ░░▒▒▒▓▓
Braille: ⠕⠖⠗⠘⠙⠚
Various other symbols and characters: ✂ ✓ ✗ ➀ 🂬, no-break space, soft hyphen
Emojis: 🧁 😋 💊 🤮 🤷