
Simple bokeh command line interface prototype

Primary LanguagePython


Simple bokeh command line interface prototype

Usage: bokeh-cli.py [OPTIONS]

Bokeh Command Line Tool is a minimal client to access high level plotting functionality provided by Bokeh plotting library.


python bokeh-cli.py --title "My Nice Plot" --series "High,Low,Close" --plot_type "circle,line" --palette Reds --source_filename sample_data/stocks_data.csv

cat sample_data/stocks_data.csv | python bokeh-cli.py --buffer t

python bokeh-cli.py --help


--source_filename TEXT path to the series data file (i.e.: /source/to/my/data.csv --output TEXT Selects the plotting output, which could either be sent to an html file or a bokeh server instance. Syntax convention for this option is as follows: <output_type>://<type_options>

                      output_type: 'file' or 'server'
                        - 'file' type
                      options: path_to_output_file
                        - 'server' type
                      options syntax: docname[@url][@name]
                      Defaults to:
                      --output file://cli_output.html
                      --output file://cli_output.html
                      --output server://clidemo

--title TEXT --plot_type TEXT --x_axis_name TEXT Name of the data serie to be used as x axis when plotting. By default the first serie found on the input file is taken. --tools TEXT --series TEXT Name of the series from the source to include in the plot. If not specified all source series will be included. --palette TEXT Colors palette to use. The following palettes are available:

                      Blues, BrBG, BuGn, BuPu, GnBu, Greens,
                      Greys, OrRd, Oranges, PRGn, PiYG, PuBu, PuBuGn,
                      PuOr, PuRd, Purples, RdBu, RdGy, RdPu, RdYlBu,
                      RdYlGn, Reds, Spectral, YlGn, YlGnBu, YlOrBr, YlOrRd
                      You can also provide your own custom palette by
                      specifying a list colors. I.e.:

--buffer TEXT Reads data source as String from input buffer. Usage example: cat stocks_data.csv | python cli.py --buffer t --x_axis_type TEXT --help Show this message and exit.