
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The initial idea behing statz is to provide a simple, small and easy to use tool that integrates with web applications (Pyramid at first) and tests tools (py.test) to provide project documentation and trivial debug information over time. This tool is designed with a REST service in mind as consumer of the tool but it should be friendly enough to be applied to any Pyramid project.

This should help project developers and teams to maintain an overview over their web services, tests, documentation and performance.

Desired features (on the roadmap):

  • API documentation: display the application routes and methods
  • API performance: Tracks and register single calls performance (time and memory) over time
  • API info: Tracks and register single calls info (basic request/response like headers,

payloads, status code, etc..) over time. - Nice API documentation-like UI: Provide a nice looking UI that can be used as API overview and documentation (possibly gathering enough information from views docstrings and infering from tracked in/out info) - Detect API changes: detect and show significant changes on performance or API design over time in order to notify users of 'unexpected' changes. - Detect Major performance changes: detect and show significant performance changes in service calls should raise warnings


statz.pyramid provides a statz functionality for Pyramid web framework.

How is it different from pyramid_debugtoolbar?

Statz is influenced by the great job done with pyramid_debugtoolbar [or django-debugtoolbar or flask-debugtoolbar] but aims to provide different functionality.

Statz aims to provide information and track data/changes over time. Altough it could be used to display debug information during development [in a similar but much more limited way *_debugtoolbar does] it main purpose is to provide a long term tool to improve project quality, documentation and overall overview instead of more focused debug and tunning.



Quick Start


  • Create a virtualenv:

    >> virtualenv --system-site-packages ./statzenv
  • Activate the virtual env:

    >> source ./statzenv/bin/activate
  • Install Pyramid into the virtualenv:

    >> pip install pyramid
  • Clone the statz trunk:

    >> git clone https://github.com/fpliger/statz.git
  • Install the statz trunk into the virtualenv:

    >> cd statz
    >> python setup.py develop
  • Create your amazing pyramid application!! If you don't have one yet you can use the demo one :-)

    >> cd statz/demo

  • Include statz.pyramid in your project pyramid file adding 'statz.pyramid' to your includes list and

adding the statz.storage configuraiton. For example:

# pyramid inludes
pyramid.includes =

# statz storage folder configuration. This is where your json stats files will be saved
statz.storage = json:///path/to/folder/
  • Run your project as usual:

Now you can access the statz relative link /statzboard and see your project routes configuration.