
(Hackathon) Palantir Extreme-Carpaccio-Java-Httpserver used for 45 - 60 min. coding challenge.

Primary LanguageJava

We were 5th (team TIMF):


A Java client to with a simple com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer implementation.


  • maven 3
  • JDK 8


  • mvn clean install


The game server will post orders on /order endpoint. OrderHttpHandler inner class inside MyHttpServer.java file will handle this so this is where to start coding.


You don't need any application server. No Tomcat, no WAR to deploy. The server is embedded.

  • mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="xcarpaccio.MyHttpServer"

The server listens on port 9000: http://localhost:9000/ping

You can also launch the server with your IDE. You just have to launch MyHttpServer class. It has a main method.