- 1
PERSIST on a key with no timeout returns 1
#551 opened by newacct - 6
Lua Runtime libraries
#558 opened by ivan-kripakov-m10 - 4
Bitmaps not interchangeable with strings
#520 opened by newacct - 1
- 4
`XREAD $` fails for an empty stream
#540 opened by uhrm - 1
Redis Mock sending record in the incorrect order
#375 opened by asiaantczak - 1
unpack() in Lua scripts doesn't work
#521 opened by newacct - 0
- 1
Issue W/ set using settings
#509 opened by asafpelegcodes - 5
Support injected clock
#343 opened by oharaandrew314 - 1
Support jdk17
#487 opened by BsoBird - 1
- 3
RedisServer is ready support
#475 opened by penev-ff - 2
XAdd does not unblock XRead with BLOCK > 0
#452 opened by filipezlopez - 4
Support for keyspace notifications
#406 opened by moaxcp - 5
NOPROTO Resp3 not supported by JedisMock
#393 opened by ngophuhung96 - 2
HDEL without fields behaves differently to Redis
#371 opened by SHildebrandt - 3
Error happen: attempt to unlock lock, not locked by current thread by node id: XXX
#360 opened by ngophuhung96 - 3
Request support for smismember
#361 opened by mikemole - 0
- 2
GetDel Operation
#352 opened by Andrewsoares15 - 2
Support for UNLINK
#292 opened by govindbalaji-s - 0
SET with empty value doesn't work
#244 opened by newacct - 0
Some operations fail after multiple EXPIREs
#330 opened by newacct - 1
SRANDMEMBER and SPOP with count on non-existent set should return an empty array
#331 opened by newacct - 1
- 1
ZRANGEBYSCORE negative count doesn't work
#311 opened by newacct - 2
- 0
Blocking operations semantics
#317 opened by inponomarev - 1
Add CRUD example demonstrating usage of jedis-mock
#290 opened by pparh602 - 0
Add support for LPOP and RPOP count parameter
#270 opened by bluecontainer - 0
- 0
- 0
HyperLogLog GET does not get same bytes as SET
#236 opened by newacct - 0
- 0
ZRANGEBYSCORE fails when bounds are out of order
#234 opened by newacct - 2
ZCARD incorrect result after ZREMRANGEBYSCORE
#235 opened by newacct - 0
ZRANGEBYSCORE LIMIT doesn't follow ordering
#219 opened by newacct - 0
ZRANGEBYSCORE does not correctly interpret -inf
#220 opened by newacct - 1
#218 opened by newacct - 1
GET fails on HyperLogLog key
#188 opened by newacct - 0
- 1
HDEL does not work on additional arguments
#192 opened by newacct - 1
- 1
HSET after EXPIRE discards the expiration
#187 opened by newacct - 1
SETBIT clears other bits
#189 opened by newacct - 1
- 0
Add support for zrevrange
#177 opened by newacct - 0
HLEN fails when key does not exist
#185 opened by newacct - 2
SUBSCRIBE change recive duplicated message
#172 opened by kentyeh