
JSR 354 - Moneta: Reference Implementation

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

JSR 354: Money and Currency: Moneta Reference Implementation

Maven Central Build Status Coverage Status Stability: Maintenance License Join the chat at https://gitter.im/JavaMoney/jsr354-ri

JSR 354 JavaMoney provides an API for representing, transporting, and performing comprehensive calculations with Money and Currency. This module (moneta) implements the JSR 354 Money & Currency. Hereby basic implementations of amounts, currency and roundings are provided. The library supports JDK8 and later but also is available a limited backport to JDK7 jsr354-ri-bp.


You can access the RI by adding the following Maven dependencies:


The same for Gradle:

compile group: 'org.javamoney', name: 'moneta', version: '1.3', ext: 'pom'


libraryDependencies += "org.javamoney" % "moneta" % "1.3" pomOnly()

The release artifacts are accessible from the following repositories:

Then refer to Moneta User Guide

Release Notes

  • All release notes
  • 1.0 First release along with with JSR 354 API
  • 1.1 Bugfix release.
  • 1.2 Modularized release (with separated conversion and conversion providers), Java 9 module support
  • 1.2.1 Fix release for invalid/missing Java 9 descriptor for conversion base. Compatible with Java 8, 9 and beyond.
  • 1.3 Bugfix release.

Help and support

Ask your question at StackOverflow with tag java-money or join the Gitter chat.