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eBay Kleinanzeigen Coding Challenge

Congratulations! You made it to the eBay Kleinanzeigen coding challenge. Here, we want to get a taste of your hands-on coding skills as well as your understanding of design and product.


Since our View Item Page (= VIP) is a bit outdated, we want to re-brush our VIP.

To Do

Please create a new VIP matching the design (Design.pdf). All necessary image assets and colors are already defined. Use the default system font (e.g. for iOS: San Francisco)

You can use any library or tool. It’s expected to apply an architectural pattern and to provide a well structured code.

General information:

  • See design of the sections in the attached design (sections are separated by a thick grey line)
  • Size of sections adapts dynamically according the number of attributes (e.g. “Zimmer”) / contents (e.g. having additional documents such as PDF)
  • If there is no content for a section (ex. no uploaded PDF, no attributes for “Ausstattung”, etc.), the section should collapse)

Section: Images

  • Show all the images in a horizontally swipeable gallery
  • Show the first picture of the ad by default
  • Show the share icon on the top right on the picture
  • On the bottom left there is the number of the displayed picture and the number of pictures in total; divided by “/” the user should be able to swipe through the gallery (Font size: 14, Text color: @color/black, Background color: @color/black_transparent)
  • Clicking on an image opens it in a new screen with bigger resolution

Section: Basic Info (directly below the picture)

  • Ad title (Json key: title)
  • Price and currency (Json key: price)
  • Address in the format "Street, ZIP Code, City" (it’s a link to google maps with the given latitude and longitude) (Json key: address)
  • Calendar icon + creation date (Json key: posted-date-time)
  • Views icon + number of visits (Json key: visits)
  • Show ‘ID:’ and add Ad-ID (Json key: id)

Section: Details

  • Show headline: ‘Details’
  • List all attributes coming from backend and the respective value and unit (Json key: attributes)

Section: Features (Ausstattung)

  • Show headline ‘Ausstattung’
  • List respective features in two columns (Json key: features)
  • Keep order of features; logic: left, right, left, right, etc
  • Put a green check before every feature in this section (asset provided in drawable folder)

Section: Documents (PDFs)

  • Show headline ‘Weitere Informationen’
  • Show PDF icon and Name of PDF and chevron (Json key: documents)
  • When the user clicks on a document, the respective PDF opens in a browser

Section: Description

  • Show headline ‘Beschreibung’
  • Show the description coming from the backend (Json key: description)

Technical Details

  • You can use any library or tool
  • It’s expected to apply an architectural pattern and to provide a well structured code
  • The app should request and parse content from our JSON service
  • The app should load images from the URL that is part of the response

API Details

Additional Info

  • To generate the real image url replace the {imageId} placeholder with the string 1 or 57 accordingly for preview or full size.

Example: https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjAwWDgwMA==/z/UhYAAOSweiZf0KEb/$_{imageId}.JPG should be converted to https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjAwWDgwMA==/z/UhYAAOSweiZf0KEb/$_1.JPG for preview and https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjAwWDgwMA==/z/UhYAAOSweiZf0KEb/$_57.JPG for full size image.

Sample Json Output

Run this curl command to get the sample data:

curl --basic -u candidate:yx6Xz62y --user-agent "some-user-agent" https://gateway.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/mobile-api/candidate/ads/1118635128

Final Remarks

  • You have 4 hours to complete the challenge.
  • If you can’t manage to finish all the details during the given time, no worries! What’s important is how you approach the challenge.
  • Please fill out the rest of this README file that explains your approach.
  • Once you’re done with the challenge, please zip the project folder, upload it to Google Drive and send us the publicly available link to the zip file on Google Drive.

Have fun!

Your comments / remarks

How did you approach the task? What architecture-layers did you create and why? What would you do if you had more time? Which trade-offs did you take?

  • I approached the task using MVVM architecture and Combine to perform the HTTP request. If I had more time I could try using also SfiftUI to develop the UI, as the interface was easy enough to achieve this.
  • Also, not all the UI would behave perfectly, it would have taken more time to create appropriate components to cache images, and also place the checker in perfect alignment.
  • With more time I wuould have created components for singles pieces of UI, i.e cells
  • The trade-offs I took where in UIViewController too much filled with logic, in a proper MVVM more I would have mode other logic, including the cells login into the view model.

It's not great, it works, you wanted 4hrs those are mine 4 hours.