Small programs to call gmsh for meshing and displaying step file in C++. Occasionnaly binding with ultimaille. are step models comming from (Thanks Maxence Reberol)
The code rely on GMSH to work. As gmsh is kinda troublesome to compile, you can download their Software Development Kit (SDK) at and set GMSH_INCLUDE_DIR and GMSH_LIB in cmake. Development version is alright. Typically, you would have the following:
- linux:
cmake -DGMSH_INCLUDE_DIR=".../gmsh-git-Linux64-sdk/include/" -DGMSH_LIB=".../gmsh-git-Linux64-sdk/lib/" ..
- MacOS:
cmake -DGMSH_INCLUDE_DIR=".../gmsh-git-MacOSX-sdk/include/" -DGMSH_LIB=".../gmsh-git-MacOSX-sdk/lib/libgmsh.dylib" ..
- Windows: Not straight forward (compatibility issues between mingw and mvsc). I might look into it later
git clone -recurse-submodules
cd ultimaille
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DGMSH_INCLUDE_DIR="..." -DGMSH_LIB="..." ..
make -j
./simpleMeshing ../mambo/Basic/B35.step 3 0.1 tet.mesh
./simpleMeshing ../mambo/Basic/B35.step 2 0.1 tri.mesh
./quadMeshing ../mambo/Basic/B35.step 0.1 quad.mesh