
StumbleUpon meets Wikipedia. Built with Roda + Turbo Streams + server-sent events.

Primary LanguageRuby

Wiki Stumble

A Roda app that's like StumbleUpon for Wikipedia, showing summaries of articles tailored to the user's interests and likes/dislikes. Here's the live site deployed to Render.


Here's a peek into the invisible queue of next articles being filled and re-filled dynamically via Turbo Streams and server-sent events.

Wiki Stumble demo


This is a remake of a Rails app by the same name that I made two years ago. This time around I wanted to do things a little different:

  • Build it with something other than Rails. I chose Roda.
  • Use Turbo Streams for a seamless SPA-like feel.
  • Improve performance by doing API calls asynchronously and streaming the results back to the client.

Read more in my blog posts:


Distributed under the MIT License.