
IN4355 Functional Programming

IN4355 - Functional Programming 2015

###Final presentation slot reservations

To reserve a slot to present, do a pull request where you fill your group number in the desired slot. Both sessions will take place at EWI-LB 01.170 (Timmanzaal). The first session will start at 16:45h, the second will start at 16:00h. Details regarding the final presentations are posted on blackboard.

Please upload your presentation to your GitHub repository before the presentation session starts!

Slot 12-02-2016 19-02-2016
1 Group 0 Group 9
2 Group 7 Group 18
3 Group 17 Group 10
4 Group 3 Group 11
5 --- Group 16
6 --- Group 13


Project Description Max. team size Team Presenting? timeslot
0 Implement a Markdown implementation/compiler, using parser combinators, ASTs, etc. 4 Maikel Langezaal, Pouja Nikray and Jochem de Goede Yes 12:10 - 12:15
1 Build a monadic Web stack in Scala and Scala.js (inspiration: cycle.js & your server as a function) 4 Ishan Sital, Lu Dai, Yiran Liu -
2 Develop High level Cloud programming models / Declarative Data Center, inspiration: Satnam Singh's Blog 2 -
3 Develop High level Cloud programming models / Declarative Data Center, inspiration: Functional programming for the data centre 2 Jihong Ju and Boyang Tang Yes 14:40 - 14:55
4 Develop High level Cloud programming models / Declarative Data Center, inspiration: Service combinators for farming virtual machines, Docker 2 -
5 Develop High level Cloud programming models / Declarative Data Center, inspiration: Service Combinators for Web Computing 2 -
6 Develop High level Cloud programming models / Declarative Data Center, inspiration: Chef, Puppet, etc. 2 -
7 Probability Monad and Probabilistic Programming: Practical probabilistic Programming with Monads, Programming with Uncertain Data 2 Ioana Leontiuc & Bart van Vuuren Yes 10:30 - 10:45
8 Probability Monad: HLearn done right (HLearn is way too complicated) 2 -
9 Probability Monad: Reimplement Mike's blog samples using several different ML libraries 2 Wang Bo,Yu Liang,Yanbo Huang Yes 13:00 - 13:15
10 Build an alternative for firebase from scratch (inspiration: search quora for alternatives) 4 Rob van Bekkum, Victor Li, Sander van den Oever, Jorden van Breemen Yes 13:20 - 13:35
11 Implement Neural Networks, Types, and Functional Programming 2 Michiel Haisma & Joop Aué Yes 10:50 - 11:05
12 Create a beautiful, high-level, hacking library that wraps libpcap in Java/Scala. For inspiration look at libraries like Scapy 4 -
13 Port the Elm samples to RxMobile 2 Albert ten Napel (4087798), Ioana Jivet Yes 14:00 - 14:15
14 Android Monad, Haskell for Android (Android's lifecycle smells like the State Monad, can you make it concrete?) 4 -
15 Implement a webserver in Scala based on Simon Marlow's WebServer, but based on modern standards like HTTP 2.0, websockets, server sent-events, etc. 4 Bouke Nederstigt, Luís Cleto, Tiago Fernandes, Ana Martin Legorburo Yes 11:10 - 11:25
16 Implement a simpler (i.e. more elegant, non-scalaz) version of Rapture.IO (crypto, JSON, XML, etc.) 2 Jasper Denkers & Christian Veenman Yes 13:40 - 13:55
17 Re-implement Snappy DB from scratch 2 Maarten Duijn, Manoj Krishnaraj Yes (1) 11:30 - 11:45
18 Re-implement Level DB from scratch (similar to this.) 2 Kelong Cong & Aaron Ang Yes 11:50 - 12:05
19 Re-implement SQLite from scratch (inspiration: csharp-sqllite) 2 Jesper Byrdal Kjær & Alma Luz Valencia López Yes 14:20 - 14:35
20 Implement an ORM inspired by sqlite-net 2 -
21 Implement an ORM inspired by sqlbrite 2 -
22 Implement an ORM inspired by SugarORM 2 Willem Vaandrager en Olaf Maas -
23 Implement the CouchDB sync protocol in Scala inspired by PouchDB. Extra credits for implementing a CouchDB server as well 4 -
24 Create Scala bindings for AWS Lambda, convert all Java examples to Scala, and port at least popular 10 Node.js samples 4 -