
Another super shitty D-grade website made for IST.

Primary LanguageHTML

IST Task 2


Purpose of the Website The website is about the future of human space conquests and is designed to engage the target audience - high school students - with this exciting area. It covers a few of the key developments and figures in this area with a focus on SpaceX’s plans for mars. The dynamic countdown page will hopefully also bring a sense of urgency to the audience.

Avoiding Copyright Infringement. Copyright infringement is a very serious issue with a lot of repercussions and implications in our increasingly internet-connected world. Copyright laws are designed to protect a creator’s work from being used or profited from without their explicit permission. Almost any body of productive work created by an individual will fall under copyright laws. This is a fantastic thing for the creators of such pieces; however it can make the water murky when it comes to permissions for using the assets from other websites and sources in your own projects. If you infringe on the copyright protections the owner of the work has you may end up in very serious legal issues.

A simple way of avoiding copyright infringement is to check the licensing of the work you are about to use and double-check that the licensing allows you as a third party to use it in its unmodified state without explicit permission. A common license like this is the Creative Commons license. All images from google images is under the Creative Commons license. There are a few sub-sections of this licensing scheme;

  • CC BY: This license allows others to distribute, remix, tweak and build up your work even with the prospect of profit, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accomodating of all the licenses.
  • CC BY-SA: This license lets others do exactly the same as CC BY, as long as they also license their new creations under the identical terms. Thus this is often compared to ‘copyleft’ free and open source software license. All new works based on yours will cary the same license.
  • CC BY-ND: This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it passes along unchanged and in the whole with credit to you.

There are several other Creative Common licenses but these are the most popular. In order to avoid copyright infringement it is often easiest to simply choose material with easily discernible licensing schemes like CC.