[CVPR 2021 Oral] Robust Neural Routing Through Space Partitions for Camera Relocalization in Dynamic Indoor Environments
*Siyan Dong, *Qingnan Fan, He Wang, Ji Shi, Li Yi, Thomas Funkhouser, Baoquan Chen, Leonidas J. Guibas
* Equal Contribution
We provide the implementation of NeuralRouting, a novel outlier-aware neural tree model to estimate camera pose in dynamic environments. The model builds on three important blocks: (a) a hierarchical space partition over the indoor scene to construct a decision tree; (b) a neural routing function, implemented as a deep classification network, employed for better 3D scene understanding; and (c) an outlier rejection module used to filter out dynamic points during the hierarchical routing process. After establishing camera-to-world 3D-3D correspondences, a Kabsch based RANSAC is applied to solve the camera pose.
Overall, our algorithm consists of two steps: a scene coordinate regressor for 3D-3D correspondence establishment and a Kabsch-based RANSAC algorithm for camera pose optimization. The coordinate regressor is scene-specific and learned in each scene. At inference time, the camera pose is estimated by running the coordinate regressor and the RANSAC algorithm.
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author = {Dong, Siyan and Fan, Qingnan and Wang, He and Shi, Ji and Yi, Li and Funkhouser, Thomas and Chen, Baoquan and Guibas, Leonidas J.},
title = {Robust Neural Routing Through Space Partitions for Camera Relocalization in Dynamic Indoor Environments},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2021},
pages = {8544-8554}
The code in this repository is tested on Python 3.7.3, PyTorch 1.1.0, CUDA 10.0, OpenCV 4.5.1, and scikit-learn 0.21.2. We recommend running our code in the Docker container siyandong/neuralrouting:ransac_v0.2.
docker run -v <dataset folder>:/opt/dataset -it --gpus all --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash --name <container name> siyandong/neuralrouting:ransac_v0.2
In the container, run source activate NeuralRouting
to activate the environment.
The data follows the format of the RIO10 benchmark. To use the code, please download the dataset first.
We apply a random transformation to the original ground-truth camera poses. Set the dataset_folder
in random_transformation.py
to the dataset folder, for example dataset_folder = '/opt/dataset'
Run the script
python random_transformation.py
Set the dataset_folder
in config.py
to the dataset folder before training and test.
In the training stage, we build the space partition tree and train the neural routing functions to memorize the static points while rejecting dynamic ones.
Set dataset_folder
and scene_id
in config.py
Run the script
python train.py --exp_name <checkpoint folder>
For example, python train.py --exp_name rio10_scene01
It will build the tree, train it level by level, and save the model parameters in the folder ./experiment/<checkpoint folder>
You can find the pre-trained checkpoints here.
Set dataset_folder
and scene_id
in config.py
Run the script
python test.py --exp_name <checkpoint folder> --test_seq <sequence name>
For example, python test.py --exp_name rio10_scene01 --test_seq seq01_02
It will infer pixel-wise scene coordinates (as GMM) and save them in the folder ./gmm_prediction
You should run this part of code in the Docker container siyandong/neuralrouting:ransac_v0.2. In the container, run the following commands
cd /opt/relocalizer_codes/spaint
python run_ransac.py --data_folder_mask <dataset folder mask> --scene_id <scene id> --sequence_id <sequence id> --prediction_folder <gmm prediction folder>
For example, python run_ransac.py --data_folder_mask /opt/dataset/scene{:02d}/seq{:02d}/seq{:02d}_{:02d} --scene_id 1 --sequence_id 2 --prediction_folder /opt/relocalizer_codes/NeuralRouting/gmm_prediction/rio10_scene01_seq01_02
It will output the estimated camera poses in the folder /opt/relocalizer_codes/spaint/build/bin/apps/relocgui/reloc_poses
You should run this part of code in the Docker container siyandong/neuralrouting:ransac_icp_v0.0. In the container, run the following commands
cd /opt/relocalizer_codes/spaint
python run_ransac_icp.py --data_folder_mask <dataset folder mask> --scene_id <scene id> --sequence_id <sequence id> --prediction_folder <gmm prediction folder>
For example, python run_ransac_icp.py --data_folder_mask /opt/dataset/scene{:02d}/seq{:02d} --scene_id 1 --sequence_id 2 --prediction_folder /opt/relocalizer_codes/NeuralRouting/gmm_prediction/rio10_scene01_seq01_02
It will output the estimated camera poses in the folder /opt/relocalizer_codes/spaint/build/bin/apps/spaintgui/reloc_poses
In this repository, we use parts of the implementation from spaint and InfiniTAM. We thank the respective authors for open sourcing their code.