
Video call exploration

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Video call exploration

Local Development

  1. Talkilla requires Firefox > 21.

  2. Make sure you have node installed.

  3. Install the required node dependencies:

     $ npm install
     # or alternatively:
     $ make install
  4. Start the server:

     $ env PORT=5000 node app.js
     # or alternatively:
     $ make runserver
  5. Point your web browser to http://localhost:5000.


App configuration is done using JSON files stored in the config/ directory:

  • dev.json for the dev environment configuration
  • prod.json for the prod environment configuration
  • local.json for any settings you may want to override locally (this file is never versionned)

Settings are:

  • DEBUG: to have log messages printed out to the browser console
  • WSURL: the url to the WebSocket server endpoint

Unit Tests

To run the unit tests:

  1. Make sure you've installed node and the required modules as per the local development section.

  2. On Mac, you need to have /Applications/FirefoxNightly.app installed (aka Firefox 24), and not have a /Applications/Firefox.app

  3. On Linux, you need to have /usr/bin/firefox-nightly present, or a Firefox will be downloaded for you.

  4. Run the tests:

     $ make test

Front-end Tests

To run the front-end unit tests standalone:

  1. First make sure you are running the server in development mode:

    $ make runserver_dev

  2. Visit http://localhost:5000/test/frontend/index.html


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All source code here is available under the MPL 2.0 license, unless otherwise indicated.