

Primary LanguageJavaScript



If you have installed the programs in the list:

  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • cd infr
  • npm install or yarn
  • bower install

Alternatively, if you have docker installed and don't want to install npm, bower & ember I created a docker image:

$ docker build -t infr .

Running / Development

  • To run locally type npm start and visit http://localhost:4200
  • To run the docker image:
    • sh ./run.sh. (If it does not run please check the name of the built image is infr)
    • visit http://localhost


Qunit is the used test runner.

  • Run npm test to see the CLI output.
  • Run npm run test-serve to see the interactive session.


  • I have created two variants of the same scenario. The first one is tailor-made, where I assume data comes from an API and I perform the highlighting by substituting the html with a higher, blue font. The second one is using an existing ember library that wraps around the highlight.js jQuery library and allows you to simply paste the text to highlight.

  • Most of the important things are already commented in the code, I will just specify the files it is worth to look to get a sense of the application. Even with no prior experience with ember, most of the logic is quite easy to follow. The structural hierarchy of components is like this:

application (route)
  index (route)
    highlight-article (component)
      highlight-paragraph (component)
      highlight-paragraph (component)
      highlight-paragraph (component)
    .. another highlight-article, etc..

Files to look

  • app/templates/[application.hbs, index.hbs]: they are the templates that back the routes

  • app/routes/index.js: where the "model" is fetched,

  • app/components/[highlight-article|highlight-paragraph].js

  • app/templates/components/[highlight-article|highlight-paragraph].hbs

  • app/router.js : to see the mapping of the URLS, I added some comments.

  • app/helpers/cond-highlight.js : the helper that highlights the content.

  • app/styles/:

    • app.scss
    • default.scss
  • tests/integration/components/[highlight-article-test|highlight-paragraph-test].js: here you can find the integration tests for the components.

Browser support

Ember 2+ supports almost all the enumerated browsers, for specific details, it can be checked on: https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js#emberjs