Gitlet - Git-like Version Control System

Gitlet is a simplified version control system inspired by Git, implemented in C++ and using the Boost library for serialization and testing. This project aims to provide a basic understanding of how version control systems like Git work under the hood.


  • Basic version control functionalities: init, add, commit, log, etc.
  • Simplified handling of branches and merges.
  • Serialization of objects using Boost for persistent storage.
  • Boost-powered unit tests to ensure reliability.


  • C++ compiler supporting C++17
  • Boost library (at least version 1.65)
  • CMake (version 3.10 or higher)


  1. Clone the repo into your local machine git clone

  2. Build the excutable Gitlet mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make

  3. Put the excutable Gitlet into your desired directory and run ./gitlet [COMMAND] or add it to your system PATH.