
Calendar Alerts: request events from caldav calendars and use this in cronjobs to email

Primary LanguagePHP

Calert: Calendar Reminders

With Calert you can extract events from caldav calendars. This information can be used to send reminders by email for example. There are several options:

  • request events from a calendar from the current day, today --day
  • request events from a calendar from the current week, beginning now --week
  • request events from a calendar by a date range --start=1/1/18 --end=10/10/18
  • request events created after ctag --ctag=xyz

Example use in crontab

# m h  dom mon dow   command
  0 20  *   *   0    /usr/bin/php /home/user/calert/calert.php --config=/home/user/calert.conf --week | mail -E -r noreply@test.com -s "Calendar week report" you@test.com
  * *   *   *   *    /usr/bin/php /home/user/calert/calert.php --config=/home/user/calert.conf --ctag | mail -E -r noreply@test.com -s "New calendar item" you@test.com

Example config file

An example config file is included (see: default.conf)

url = 'https://calendar.io'
username = 'username'
password = 'password'
auth = 'basic'

ctag_file = '/home/user/.calert-ctag'