
Primary LanguageGo



This go application provides simple and easy way to create kubectl configurations for different servers with google as the oidc (OpenId Connect) provider.


  • install go version 1.13 or newer
  • Place the config_auth (replace the client_id, client_secret and the @example.com domain with your once) file in your .kube folder
mkdir -p ~/.kube
mv config_auth ~/.kube


To install the go binary just execute the command below. If you encounter any problems or errors with this step check the Q&A section.

export GO111MODULE=on
go get github.com/fr123k/kuby

The kuby binary is created in the bin sub-dir of your GOPATH (default is ${HOME}/go/bin). You can add it to your path or change the path kuby in the commands. The following command will print the application help manifest.

kuby --help

One k8s config to rule them all

That is the default list of servers it will try to create the kubectl configuration for:

  • dev:k8s-api-dev.example.de
  • staging:k8s-api-staging.example.de
  • phdp:k8s-api-prod.example.de

To create the kubectl configurations for all know k8s clusters just run the following command.


The following will happen a web browser will be open and ask for your google account credentials.

After an successfully login the browser window will show a message like.

Authentication completed. It's safe to close this window now ;-)

So close the window and follow the instruction on the terminal.

Do you want to overwrite the /xxxxx/xxxxxx/.kube/config. (y/n):

After the process is finish just execute kubectl

kubectl get pods

to check if the generated configuration is valid.

One k8s config per cluster

With the -s or --servers you can specify the k8s api server to create the kubectl configuration for.

kuby -s dev:k8s-api-dev.example.de

You can also create configuration for multiple servers like this.

kuby -s dev:k8s-api-dev.example.de -s staging:k8s-api-staging.example.de


  1. go get with private github repositories

    If you see an error like this

    fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': terminal prompts disabled

    The you can enable git ssh for go get with the following command.

    git config --global url."git@github.com:".insteadOf "https://github.com/"

    For that to work you had to finish the Github ssh setup

  2. If the go get github.com/fr123k/kuby command fails you can download the latest binary from the kuby GitHub project releases.

    You need to place the binary in the directory GOPATH/bin and make the binary executable.