
A Simple Skript that can help a player broadcast his/her current location.

MIT LicenseMIT


A Simple Skript that can help a player broadcast his/her current location.

BTW: If you met a lot of error while reloading skripts(might about "expected xxx spaces"), please make the tabs in start of every-line replaced to the format Skript required.


First, Check if your Skript installed and enabled on your server.

Second, Download the .sk file to your local storage, and copy it to /plugins/Skript/scripts/ (or just create a .sk file in that directory and then paste the code from the .sk file which saved in this repo, save your .sk file and go on.)

Third, execute command as CONSOLE or Admin in your server: "/sk reload scripts".

If here's a error reported by the skript plugin, try to fix the problem by following the tips at the top.

Corona Studio - Feiron Iguista (to say the truth, publishing this sk in this way, just because I wanna try on how to process these steps mdr.)