
AWS Terraform module for provisioning on-prem Datomic transactors with Dynamo DB

Primary LanguageHCL

Cognitect has made the Datomic Cloud template available in AWS marketplace and effectively deprecating this module.

Terraform module for provisioning Datomic Transactor On-Prem version on AWS

Input variables:

Module variable Description Value type Default value
aws_region AWS region in which resources for Datomic get provisioned string NA
vpc_id AWS VPC ID in which resources for Datomic get provisioned. If not provided uses the ID of the default VPC string NA
datomic_peer_security_group_id Security group id already applied to peer to allow communication to Datomic transactor and related resources string NA
datomic_peer_iam_role_name IAM role name of a role already applied to Peer. Serves as the Peer role name in Datomic Transactor configuration string NA
datomic_transactor_availability_zone_names List of availability zones for Datomic Transactor List(string) NA
datomic_transactor_subnet_ids List of Subnet IDs for Datomic Transactor List(string) NA
datomic_transactor_ami_name AMI name for the transactor. If AMI is ARM based, then select appropriate datomic_transactor_instance_type string NA
datomic_transactor_ami_owner_id Owner ID of AMI for the transactor string NA
datomic_transactor_ami_user AMI user with privileges for starting a Java process string NA
datomic_transactor_keypair_name AWS KeyPair name for SSH logins in Transactor instance string NA
datomic_transactor_metric_callback_library Metric callback library for emitting stats to Datadog, Prometheus etc. Must be available on Datomic Transactor Classpath in Transactor AMI, e.g. Datomic-Datadog-reporter string null
datomic_transactor_enable_datadog Enables Datadog if set to true and Datadog is installed in Datomic Transactor AMI bool false
datomic_transactor_instance_type EBS optimised instance. Details string NA
datomic_transactor_volume_type Volume type to be used as root volume, e.g. io1 string NA
datomic_transactor_jvm_xmx Datomic transactor -Xmx configuration. Ballpark the value at 70% of total RAM string NA
datomic_transactor_jvm_xms Datomic transactor -Xms configuration string NA
datomic_transactor_java_opts JAVA_OPTS for launching Datomic transactor string -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote=true -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=7199 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false
datomic_transactor_log_level Datomic transactor log level string NA
datomic_transactor_memory_index_threshold Datomic Memory index size threshold string NA
datomic_transactor_memory_index_max Datomic Memory index max size string NA
datomic_transactor_object_cache_max Datomic transactor Object cache max size string NA
datomic_license Datomic licence key string NA
datomic_transactor_root_volume_size The size of the Datomic Transactor's root volume in gigabytes number NA
datomic_transactor_root_iops The amount of provisioned IOPS for Datomic Transactor's root volume. Details number NA
datomic_transactor_write_concurrency Write concurrency factor for Transactor. Details number NA
datomic_transactor_read_concurrency Read concurrency factor for Transactor. Generally twice of write concurrency. Details number NA
datomic_transactors_max_instance_count The maximum capacity of the Auto Scaling Group number 3
datomic_transactors_desired_instance_count The desired capacity of the Auto Scaling Group number 2
datomic_transactors_min_instance_count The minimum capacity of the Auto Scaling Group. Also serves as the desired capacity number 1
datomic_dynamo_db_table_read_autoscaling_min_capacity Minimum value for the read capacity for autoscaling. Also serves as base Dynamo DB Table read capacity string NA
datomic_dynamo_db_table_read_autoscaling_max_capacity Maximum value for the read capacity for autoscaling string NA
dynamo_db_table_read_autoscaling_scale_in_cooldown The amount of time, in seconds, after a read capacity scale in activity completes before another scale in activity can start number NA
dynamo_db_table_read_autoscaling_scale_out_cooldown The amount of time, in seconds, after a read capacity scale out activity completes before another scale out activity can start number NA
dynamo_db_table_read_autoscaling_target_value The target value (%age) for triggering autoscaling of read capacity number NA
datomic_dynamo_db_table_write_autoscaling_min_capacity Minimum value for the write capacity for autoscaling. Also serves as base Dynamo DB Table write capacity number NA
datomic_dynamo_db_table_write_autoscaling_max_capacity Maximum value for the write capacity for autoscaling number NA
dynamo_db_table_write_autoscaling_scale_in_cooldown The amount of time, in seconds, after a write capacity scale in activity completes before another scale in activity can start number NA
dynamo_db_table_write_autoscaling_scale_out_cooldown The amount of time, in seconds, after a write capacity scale out activity completes before another scale out activity can start number NA
dynamo_db_table_write_autoscaling_target_value The target value (%age) for triggering autoscaling of write capacity number NA
memcached_version Version of the engine of elasticache. Details string NA
memcached_exposed_port Port exposed for accessing the cluster number 11211
memcached_instance_type Instance type to be used for the nodes of the cluster string NA
memcached_az_mode Whether the nodes in this Memcached node group are created in a single Availability Zone or created across multiple Availability Zones in the cluster's region. Valid values for this parameter are single-az or cross-az string NA
memcached_number_of_instances Number of nodes in the cluster. Details string NA
memcached_parameter_group_name Name of the parameter group to associate with this cache cluster. Details string NA
memcached_apply_changes_immediately Applies changes immediately if true else the changes are applied in the next maintenance window bool NA

Output attributes:

Module variable Description
datomic_transactor.s3_logs Detailed attributes of the S3 resource provsioned to act as Datomic Transactor Write ahead logs
datomic_transactor.security_group Detailed attributes of the security group provisioned for Datomic Transactor
datomic_transactor.iam_role Detailed attributes of the security group provisioned for Datomic Transactor
datomic_transactor.iam_instance_profile Detailed attributes of the instance profile provisioned for Datomic Transactor
datomic_transactor.launch_config Detailed attributes of the launch configuration provisioned for Datomic Transactor
datomic_transactor.autoscaling_group.id ID of the Cloudformation stack for the auto scaling group provisioned for Datomic Transactor
datomic_transactor.autoscaling_group.outputs Detailed attributes of the cloudformation stack and auto scaling group provisioned for Datomic Transactor
datomic_peer.iam_policy Detailed attributes of the IAM policy provisioned for Datomic Peer
datomic_peer.iam_policy_attachment Detailed attributes of the Peer IAM policy attached to Datomic Peer IAM role name
datomic_transactor_dynamo_db.table Detailed attributes of the Dynamo DB Table provisioned for Datomic Transactor
datomic_transactor_dynamo_db.table_read_autoscaling_target Detailed attributes of the Dynamo DB Table Read Auto scaling Target for Datomic Transactor
datomic_transactor_dynamo_db.table_read_autoscaling_policy Detailed attributes of the Dynamo DB Table Read Auto scaling Policy for Datomic Transactor
datomic_transactor_dynamo_db.table_write_autoscaling_target Detailed attributes of the Dynamo DB Table Write Auto scaling Target for Datomic Transactor
datomic_transactor_dynamo_db.table_write_autoscaling_policy Detailed attributes of the Dynamo DB Table Write Auto scaling Policy for Datomic Transactor
datomic_transactor_memcached.cluster Detailed attributes of the Memcached cluster provisioned for Datomic Transactor
datomic_transactor_memcached.cluster_security_group Detailed attributes of the security group provisioned for Memcached used by Datomic Transactor


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