
A curated list of awesome resources for the 8-bit MSX computer.


Awesome MSX Awesome

A curated list of awesome resources for the 8-bit MSX computer.

Table of Contents




  • Relearning MSX - Series of articles about developing software mostly in C and assembly language.
  • SDCC for MSX sources - C library ported from SOLIDC and many useful examples on how to use it.


  • MSX Assembly Page - Loads of articles and technical references. Mostly for assebler but useful for other languages too.
  • The MSX Red Book - The MSX Red Book in Markdown format. Essential technical information on how the standard works.
  • AsMSX - AsMSX is Z80 assembler crosscompiler originally developed by Pitpan / Karoshi corporation. This compiler has quite some unique MSX related features.



  • MSX Pen - MSX Developer Playground & Code Editor in the browser.


  • nMSXTiles - Screen, tiles and sprites editor for MSX screen 2.
  • TinySprite - Online sprite editor.

Operating Systems



  • MSX Cartridge Shop - Shop with high quality cartridges. Also producers of the MegaFlashROM.


  • Preservación de cintas MSX 🇪🇸 - Tape software preservation project with big compilation of softare in CAS format and utils to use it in real hardware.
  • CAS Tools - Set of tools to read files in wav format and convert them to .cas and back to .wav. There are also Windows binaries available.
  • MSX CAS Packager - A command line interface (CLI) tool to pack/unpack MSX CAS files. Some code is based on CAS Tools.



  • MSX Resource Center - Probably the biggest community with news, a very active forum, wiki and more.


  • MSX Archive - Big archive with software, technical manuals and other stuff.


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