

mileticveljko opened this issue · 1 comments

How is grbl-Mega-5X open-source project, when you hide your source with gitignore?

fra589 commented

Hello @mileticveljko,

The .gitignore files are used only to avoid polluting the repository with elements that have nothing to do with the grbl-Mega-5X sources.

.main gitignore:


=> compilation results: are not part of the grbl-Mega-5X sources.


=> GCode files for tests: are not part of the grbl-Mega-5X sources (there is none for this moment).


=> Microsoft IDE editor configuration files. I don't use Visual Studio Code or PlatformIO, these files polluted my system during a Pull Request from elsewhere.
I develop and maintain grbl-Mega-5X under Linux Debian with a simple text editor (Geany or vi) and compile it with a Makefile and avr-gcc.

=> presentation of grbl-Mega-5X for the site: is not part of the grbl-Mega-5X sources and is updated directly online.


# Ignore everything in this directory
# Except this file

=> build is the temporary building directory defined in the Makefile, it's not part of grbl-Mega-5X sources and only hosts temporary files.

There are no hidden source files, all sources files of grbl-Mega-5X are hosted and apparent in this repository.

grbl-Mega-5X is open source under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3:
