
A repository with custom Danish wordlists and other ressources for cracking Danish passwords with Hashcat or similar tools.

Danish wordlists

A repository with custom Danish wordlists and other ressources for cracking Danish passwords with Hashcat or similar tools.

Danish dictionary words

The wordlist 20200419-Danish-words.txt contains 1,807,805 Danish words based on the following text corpora from the Society for Danish Language and Literature, DSL:

  • Korpus 90 – 32 million tokens of written Danish LGP gathered around 1990, ePOS-tagged and lemmatized 
  • Korpus 2000 – 30 million tokens of written Danish LGP gathered around 2000, ePOS-tagged and lemmatized
  • Korpus 2010 – 45 million tokens of written Danish LGP gathered around 2010 as part of the DK-CLARIN Project, ePOS-tagged and lemmatized
  • ePAROLE – beta version of the Danish PAROLE corpus tagged with the ePOS tag set.
  • 10000 most frequently used lemmas in Danish
  • Full-form lexicon: lemmas with inflected forms
  • Synonyms from The Danish Dictionary
  • The Danish FrameNet Lexicon
  • The Danish WordNet DanNet 

Learn more about these works at https://korpus.dsl.dk/.

I have written a few blog posts on creating this list here:

Please note that the current version still contains some English markup keywords, random numbers and surplus whitespace. A number of people requested the data and I wanted a rough version available sooner than later.

Lists of government-approved first names in Denmark

Based on data from https://ast.dk/born-familie/hvad-handler-din-klage-om/navne/navnelister/godkendte-fornavne.