
A Simple URL Shortener

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The following code was working at the time of posting but is no longer maintained.


A Simple URL Shortener

Created for Freecodecamp.org's Back-end certification.

Created by Thomas VanDivier


Basic Usage:

The URL https://lml.glitch.me/ displays the HomePage.

the URL https://lml.glitch.me/url Is used to create a new shortened URL link.

Example: https://lml.glitch.me/url/?url="https://www.freecodecamp.org/"

,Redirects to a JSON format page with the new shortened URL link listed.

If the URL inserted at https://lml.glitch.me/url is a new address to the database, the URL is assigned the next id in line and a JSON response is written to the screen.

Existing links can be accessed bt navigating to the URL

https://lml.glitch.me/? <Associated ID Here>

Use the ID 1337.1337 to view the full database.